Search in Spain : Lessons from a successful market

Enrique Chamorro is passionate about the search fund model. Before learning about search fund, Enrique was a full-time private equity lawyer. He heard about search through his friend and client and fell in love with the concept, thinking it was the best example of a win-win partnership and became an investor right away. 


In this episode of The Next Step Podcast, I talk with Enrique about the Spanish market as one of the countries that stands out globally as a hotbed on search fund. We also discuss what the Australian market should do to emulate the growth of search fund in Spain. Also, in this podcast, Enrique talks about the things that a searcher should think about when recruiting their team members and what are the things you should look for and how you should pick the best advisers and some of the things you should consider in being a searcher.



Show notes:

· 01:43 –Enrique talks about how he fell in love with the search Fund concept how he becomes a search investor to working as a private equity lawyer and becoming one of the few search fund lawyers in Europe. 

·     06:57 –Pete and Enrique talk about an investor as being a searcher themselves before and helping the new generation of searchers today. They also talk about what are the differences in the search fund market in America and Europe.

·     09:34 – Pete asked Enrique’s insights on what it is about Spain that has made it a market where search has seen to be relatively successful and what impact COVID has made to Spain’s search fund market.

·     11:15-Enrique talks about the origin of searchers in Spain and how the support network or the advisers could have an impact on the success of the searcher.

·     21:35-Enrique and Pete’s thoughts about what makes a good searcher.


Learn more about Search Fund and entrepreneurship through acquisition and connect with Pete and Enrique:

 Pete SeligmanLinkedIn

 Enrique ChamorroLinkedIn 



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